Upgrading the Panel is a relatively simple process. Below you will find a list of articles that will walk you through the upgrade process for each version of the software.
This Version is End-of-Life
This documentation is for end-of-life software which does not recieve any security updates or support from the community. This documentation has been left accessible for historial reasons.
You should be installing and using Pterodactyl Panel 1.0 in production environments.
Maintenance Mode
Whenever you are performing an upgrade, you should be sure to place your Panel into "maintenance mode". This will prevent users from encountering unexpected errors, and ensure everything can be upgraded before users encounter potentially new features.
# Put the Panel into maintenance mode and deny user access
php artisan down
# Bring the Panel back up to receive connections.
php artisan up
Restarting Queue Workers
After every update, you should restart the queue worker to ensure that the new code is being loaded in and used.
php artisan queue:restart